Miss Rodeo Alaska 2018
Ariel Hunt
Ariel Hunt hails from Anchorage, Alaska where she engulfs herself within her equine community. As a born and raised Alaskan she not only enjoys horses but also skiing, hiking, fishing, hunting, camping, dog mushing, and much more. Her roots are anchored by her dedication to her Christian lifestyle which is strengthened by her mother who is a priest. Ever since she was little she had been obsessed with horses. With the support of her mother she starting to take lessons at age 9, after that there was nothing that could stop her from making horses a major part her life. Her involvement within Alaska’s equine community has covered a wide variety of activities. From showing in the Alaska State Quarter Horse Association to volunteering at the Aurora Equine Therapy and 4-H program. Ariel strives to encourage and support anyone who wants to learn more about horses and their ability to help humans. Before competing in Alaska’s rodeos, she was highly involved showing quarter horses. With the support of her family, equine community, and riding instructor she was able to not only show in Alaska but also at the national level in shows such as the Arizona Sun Circuit and Del Mar National Horse Show. As soon as she learned about rodeo, Ariel knew that she wanted to be a part of it. She competed in the Alaska High School Rodeo Association in Goat Tying, Breakaway Roping, Pole Bending, and Barrel Racing. Today, she loves to compete in Breakaway roping, Team Roping, and Barrel Racing at the rodeos as often as she can. Ariel’s passion in life lies within her desire to help others heal mentally, physically, and spiritually through horses. She is currently attending the University of Alaska Anchorage for her Bachelor’s degree in psychology which she hopes will lead to a PHD and her opening her own equine psychotherapy program where she can help others heal. When she is not in class you can find her volunteering at her local 4-h club or helping children learn to ride horses in the Aurora Equine Therapy Program. Ariel’s values are firmly aligned with the western way of life. She is beyond excited to represent her state as Miss Rodeo Alaska 2018 and to promote the western heritage, family and beliefs to those within her community and abroad.